Feingold Diet - Designed to Help People Not Just Lose Weight But Also Clean Their Body From Toxins

Do you have a child suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or commonly known as ADHD? Do you want to release toxins from your body? If you answered yes to these questions, the Feingold Diet is the one that can help you do this. Find out how by reading this article from top to bottom, free.

Dr. Ben F. Feingold created the Feingold Diet, specifically to help children alleviate their sufferings from behavioral, cognitive, and neurological disorders such as ADHD. Later on, people are using the program to facilitate fat loss, which is another effect of this program. This becomes possible because this program flushes away toxins from our body causing our metabolism to slow down and for stored fats to remain untouched. They come from unhealthy foods that we eat from time to time especially those that contain additives and food chemicals.

They also come from polluted air, dirty water, nicotine, and caffeine that are unhealthy. Hence, this program starts by preventing people from eating foods with additives and artificial sweeteners. Many people prefer to do this plan because scientific research supported its claim unlike other programs that offer empty promises only. If you are going to do this program, you have to ensure that you avoid foods with synthetic flavors, preservatives, and synthetic colors. You should stop consuming sweeteners like Alitame and Aspartame. You can detect these ingredients by carefully looking at the content label every time you buy any foods.

The Feingold Diet also recommends people to stop eating foods with salicylates like almonds, so they can test for allergies. Even though there may be many foods that you cannot eat under this program, you do not need to worry because they will provide you a Food List and Shopping Guide. This list will guide you in choosing the right foods when going to the grocery.

New Year's Resolution to Get Back Into Shape

Party nibbles, Christmas dinner and all those drinks are not weight loss foods, and the jeans that fit so well in November now require some fast fat loss to do up comfortably. So we are all looking for a way to get in shape quickly before bikini season begins. Make it your challenge for 2011 to learn about weight loss foods

There are many myths, fads, gadgets and weight loss foods being touted as the way to lose pounds quickly and look the best you have ever looked. Some even tell you how to lose weight without exercise. I look at these with three simple truths in the front of my mind. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. The faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to put it straight back on. If you want something done well, do it yourself. You can achieve any goals if you are prepared to put in the effort yourself, and fast fat loss is no different, and there is no healthy way to lose weight easily.

There are some weight loss foods - foods which require as many or more calories to digest than they contain; foods which have been proven to speed the metabolism and promote fast fat loss. Curries and Chillies are weight loss foods designed to make you lose weight quickly, and Capsicum is great for fast fat loss. The more vegetables you eat, the less room you have for other foods which contain more calories - then you will loose weight easily. So if in doubt... try the ultimate weight loss food, a carrot. This is the only proven way to lose weight without exercise.

You wanted to know how to lose weight without exercise? You can do it if you have an iron will. This is not a way to lose weight easily. It involves practically starving yourself, and can have as many negative health effects as advantages. You may succeed in losing unwanted pounds, however you will not have increased your fitness, or improved your cardio-vascular health. Often in these fast fat loss diets when you loose weight quickly your body actually metabolizes your muscles for the energy to function properly. But if you want to look like one of the overly thin actresses which constantly have articles in magazines about how concerned their families and friends are for their health after their dramatic weight loss - lack of exercise and lack of food is the way to go.

So as you approach your New Years Resolution, look at your weight program sensibly. Don't look to the internet for lessons on how to lose weight without exercise, how to lose weight quickly, or how to lose weight easily. Seek advice from a nutritionist about weight loss foods, your doctor or your local gym, and have them help you plan for a healthier you all year round, not just in January. So have a great year, get out and enjoy being active but most of all don't forge the ultimate key to weight loss food.

How to Design a Healthy Diet - The Truth Behind Carbs

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. Once your body's intake of carbs is depleted, you are left feeling lethargic and drowsy. There are two kinds of carbohydrates. The first are sugars, or simple carbohydrates. The second are starches, or complex carbohydrates. The difference between the two is the length of time it takes your body to digest them.

Sugars are digested quickly, while starches take longer. Simple carbs are foods such as pizza, chocolate, cake, and other processed food with sugar additives. Healthier foods like apples, grapes, bananas, and raisins are also considered to be simple carbs as well. Complex carbs are found in breads, cereals, nuts, pasta, and vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and corn. Since starches take longer to digest, they release energy more slowly and will make it last longer throughout your body.

Low-carb diets often do not work, because without energy, the body doesn't feel like exercising. Dieters may become depressed and tired frequently. Usually, any success with a low-carb diet is only short-term, because the dieter gets discouraged quickly. Why? Because people usually expect to get more energy when eating healthy, not less so.

Exercise is vitally important to weight loss and overall good health. Building muscle boosts your metabolism and burns more calories. The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you will burn, even if you are simply resting.

Quick fix, fad diets usually only succeed is losing the water weight and lean muscle that you already have built up. This is why they do not work long-term. Starving and depriving yourself of needed carbohydrates simply slows your metabolism down to preserve the fat stores you already have in case of future nutrition shortage.

Eating small healthy portions throughout the day will keep your metabolism up and give you the energy you need to exercise. Studies show that people who couple healthy eating with exercise will lose more weight and fat than people who simply restrict their diet alone.

The bottom line is this: if you are looking for a quick fix and want to lose just a couple of pounds fast, then cutting out carbs might help you do that. However, the long-term effects will probably cause you to gain the weight back at a later time. Combining healthy eating habits and exercise will produce much more effective results long-term.

Depriving your body of any particular food can only make you crave it more. Practicing moderation and becoming more active will go a long way to making you a healthier individual.

Health Gadget Promises Chemical Free Diet

In a world that is experiencing a rise in diseases such as autism, asthma, cancer and birth defects, it is time to evaluate the toxic chemicals that are in our homes and our diets. The National Environment Trust reported that the amount of toxic chemicals in the home is increasing at a rapid rate, exposed to individuals through their mouth, skin and lungs. Even organically grown foods have a very small percentage of chemical contamination allowed within their guidelines.

New Health Gadget Designed to Prevent Deadly Diseases

A newly designed health gadget, the Lotus Sanitizing System is designed with two main goals. The first is to remove and kill any and all pesticides and germs on the food that is eaten by your family. The second is to disinfect surfaces that your family touches on a daily basis. These two goals are accomplished with the use of simple tap water and the chemical free products that make up the Lotus Sanitizing System.

This revolutionary new system provides a natural and chemical free way to free your family from harmful chemicals in their daily diet and your home. It takes ozone molecules and infuses them into ordinary tap water. Ozone is an unstable molecule made up of three oxygen atoms (03). This creates a natural sterilizing agent that destroys bacteria and other microorganisms. The ozonated Lotus water is safe to use on food, skin and even your baby's toys.

Buy The Lotus Sanitizing System Today For a Chemical Free Tomorrow

If you are someone that enjoys locating the newest health gadget on the market, you will truly enjoy the new Lotus Sanitizing System. Your purchase price of just under $200 will include the main unit and two specially designed containers for cleaning food items. A 16 oz trigger spray bottle and a clear plastic bowl with a combined lid/strainer. It comes with a one-year warranty and the peace of mind of knowing that you are doing all you can to provide a chemical free world for your family.

Natural Health Food Stores

There are many ways that you can change the way you are living for the better, one of the most obvious today would be to start shopping at natural health food stores. There are endless items and products in these stores to help you get into a healthy eating habit and this is something that can change your life forever. When getting on board the health movement today, means that you are aware of your body's needs. Sound eating habits can and should be a priority with you, especially when you get older as you body needs nutrients to remain fit.

Natural health food stores can be found just about anywhere, you will not have to use a GPS and a prayer to find them now. The more people become involved with their own health, the more these stores will start to become common.

Anything And Everything

One of the best aspects about natural health food stores is that they basically sell anything and everything that is health related. You can find remedies for illness and you can find premade meals that are made on site with organic ingredients. There will be products for beauty and there will be products for babies. This means that this store can offer just about anything you could ask for. A good store of this kind will have a bakery, a meat department and a well stocked produce section. You will be able to do your daily shopping at a store like this, or you can use this type of store to do a weekly shop for the family.

Natural health food stores are designed to promote health and better habits with eating. These stores are usually founded with organic products in mind, yet you will find many items that are simply natural and not organic in nature.

Health And Beauty

When you are shopping at natural health food stores, you will also find that you can purchase items that are related to beauty as well as food products. This can include hair care and skincare products and you will not need to go to extra stores to get things accomplished. The great thing about these stores is that they go out of their way to introduce health to you. They show you how to change eating habits, just as much as they show you that alternative products for beauty are equally as important today. Taking the chemical enriched products out of your life and introducing healthy options will extend the life that you have. This is one of the best ways to start changing your life around and you will be able to do it all in one spot.

Natural health food stores are great for what they offer. They can give you quality products and have a staff that is well versed in healthy lifestyle choices. You will get professional tips and help from the best and this is far better than dealing with an inexperienced shelf stocker in a large grocery chain.